News from Clarendon Sixth Form College

Latest News

What’s happening in and around Clarendon Sixth Form College?

Enrolment 2024

How to enrol at Clarendon Sixth Form College

School leavers

Apply online before Thursday 15th August: you will receive a written invitation in the post to attend enrolment between Thursday 22nd August and Friday 23rd August.


Results service 2024

August results service 2024

August results service 

We are arranging to send you your results and make them available online via your Student Portal account. 


Students with teacher Harry and the Mayor of Tameside

Student artworks create a positive step to being more active

Clarendon Sixth Form College students’ artwork inspires people to be more active on campus

The artworks have been displayed along a staircase at Tameside College to encourage staff, students and visitors to take the stairs and feel the health benefits.


Students performed the show for family, friends and staff

Students bring Shakespeare to Clarendon Sixth Form College

Performing arts students at Clarendon Sixth Form College perform iconic Shakespeare play for guests.


Students above New York's skyline

Creative students take a bite out of the big apple

Students from Clarendon Sixth Form College inspired during creative New York City visit.

Media and photography students from the college visited the US’s cultural capital recently, to learn more about the creative and film industry.


Staff members celebrate IWD 2024

College celebrates inspirational staff for International Women’s Day

Staff and students at Tameside College and Clarendon Sixth Form College celebrate International Women’s Day.


Callum helping out during an acting workshop

Callum passing on skills to young people with work placement

Performing arts student at Clarendon Sixth Form College passes on skills to young people with industry placement.

Callum Smith, a former St Philip Howard School pupil, is taking part in an industry placement with acting school, Cherry Pips.


Register today for the open event

Open Event Clarendon Sixth Form College

Students and staff gathered with their poster campaigns

Students designing the way to better mental health

Students at Clarendon Sixth Form College develop campaign for mental health support.

Graphic design students at the college have designed a series of posters for Kooth, to help direct students and staff to their online resources.


Students work is on display in the gallery

Students inspired by gallery to create masterpieces

Art and design students at Clarendon Sixth Form College exhibit work at local art gallery.

The ‘inspired by…’ exhibition at the Astley Cheetham Art Gallery in Stalybridge, displays work by students to reflect the artwork on show there.

